Black Iron Pete was a horrible man who would as soon slit a baby's throat as look at it. Which of course led him to sea, fleeing imprisonment in his native England. Ever looking to advance he led a mutiny aboard the vessel he sailed upon. For fourteen years his crew and he robbed and murdered many a crew and their passengers. Pete liked to scuttle the ships he attacked sending his victims to the depths of the sea. His belief was that the greatest burial of them all was to go down to Davy Jones Locker. Pete's mean streak was not only focused towards those he pilfered from, his own crew was constantly treated to his sadistic ways. Which inevitably led to the night after Pete's crew sank the HMS Excelsior, which had been carrying enough gold to make all aboard his ship wealthy men. Pete however chose to keep the majority of the take for himself. This upset the crew. While old Pete drank and caroused to excess in a dingy tavern his first mate stabbed him in the back with a cutlass. His crew then decided that Pete needed a proper burial... On land.

Black iron Pete's soul will never rest as he was not buried at sea, now you can have Pete hang on your wall, the greedy cuss in his cups surounded by ill gotten gold transforms into the betrayed skeleton rotting in a lonely grave.