====OWNER SET-UP====
The owner of room and game will have to set up 2 boards - one for the person placeing the ships, and another for the person trying to nuke or sink those ships. BUT he has to set up 1 first for ship placement and 1 after the "guesser" comes back into the room. Explained in detail in "PLAYER SET-UP. They cannot be near the other one, they have to be out of sight from each other.
====PLAYER SET-UP ====
After the first board is placed in the room, the "guesser " leaves the room, then one player places BLUE markers of ships on his board, 4 markers in a row for the BATTLESHIP, 3 markers in a row for a DESTROYER, 3 markers in a row for a SUBMARINE, and 2 markers in a row for a PT BOAT. They can go from side to side or up and down, they CANNOT go diagnal. BEFORE PLACEING HIS SHIPS, HIS OPPONENT, THE ONE WHO WISHES TO SINK THE SHIPS, MUST LEAVE THE ROOM FOR 2 MINUTES WHILE THE SHIPS ARE PLACED. After he leaves, the ships are placed by trigger words in chat. Blue ship markers will be spelled WITHOUT THE "E". example: blu6a ... typed in the chat box will put a ship marker in the upper left hand corner. The triggers are aligned with the numbers and letters that are on the outside of the playing board. - After he has placed his 4 ships and the opponent has reentered the room, the second game board will be added to the room at this time, it must be out of sight from the first board and will be the board the "guesser" will use to figure out where the ships are that wer placed on the first board. Then it will be time to play.
Both players will stand in front of their own boards, and the attacker will start to guess or shoot nuke's at the location of the ships on the other players board. The red markers that he will use have a picture of a nucleur explosion on them, they use the same trigger method that was used to place the ships, except he will use the word "red" instead of "blu"..example: red3c .... will put a red marker on the spot on the board that lines up with the number 3 and the letter "C". And that will be placed on BOTH players boards, since there are 2 boards in the room now and they use the same triggers. So all of the misses will show red on both players boards automatically. So what happens when he hits one of the ships with his nuke? I'm getting to that. When the attacker (guesser) types in his trigger to guess, and there is a ship marker on the other board, the ship owner says "dam , you hit me with a nuke". Now since their was already a blue ship marker on that spot and the attacker just put a red marker there, IT WILL START TO FLASH or flicker on the shipowners board, letting him know that part of his ship has been destroyed. When all parts of the ship have been hit, the shipowner tells the guesser that the ship is sunk. Play continues like this untill all parts of all ships have been hit and all have been sunk.
==== THE WINNER====
They then count up how many times the attacker missed. Then they reverse rolls and do it all over, the player that had the ships leaves the room and the player who was just attacking will now place his ships. Play as before, and the winner of the match will be the one with the fewest misses.
After each round the owner of the game will have to delete the "guessers" board, and clear the other board by bringing up "furniture tools" and then choose the "lock" function. Then click on the "dot " for the game as if you were going to lock or unlock it, the game clears and is ready to play again..
After the guesser gets a hit on a ship, it will just be red on his board, he should then put a blue ship maker in that same spot that he just had the hit, so it flickers and makes it easier to keep track of the ships he is trying to sink. example: (attacker types) red5f , (defender says) its a hit, (attacker types) blu5f , ----- this way the (5F) spot on both boards will be flickering for ease of keeping track of the ships locations and the hits that have occured. Flickering effect is altered by the distance that you view the board from. if you zoom way out, the flickering appears to stop. you will be in close to the board anyway during play and thats where you should be to get best "action on flicker effect". line up straight with center of board and try to get as much board on your screen as possible and you should be near the best possible zone for viewing. You will find that zooming slightly backwards or forwards will help you find the spot that shows the most activity with the flicker effect.
Enjoy folks, I am around, if you have questions. Ty