microphone for singer , has many pusturas - M1 TO M18 and of FI TO F7, you will be able to do to yourself nice photos or videos singing with perfect animations. If you want to make a movie: Both '#1' and '#2' are time measurements in seconds. #1 is the length of the final movie. #2 is how many seconds it's going to wait before you start recording. So, if you want to make a 20 second movie that starts five seconds after you hit return, you would type *movie 20 5 microfono para cantante , tiene muchas pusturas- m1 al m18 y del f1 al f7, podras hacerte bonitas fotos o videos cantando con animaciones perfectas. more inf: here... http://www.imvu.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/352336 /////////////YOU TYPE M1 TO M18 AND F1 TO F7\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
//////////////////ESCRIBE M1 HASTA M18 O F1 HASTA F7\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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