Haha, you really have to tell all your visitors this xDD
This is an animated sticker including this message :

Welcome to my page ! Now that you're here can i have your attention for 2 minutes ?
No ?! Then off ! You can just leave as far as i care. Bye bye
Yes ?! Good choice ! Then let me tell you what you can do and can't do while you're hanging around ...
NO BEGGING ! No, i don't care when your birthday is or the fact you're hell poor ! (i'm not your mommy :P)
Leave a message ! Come on, it's just too rude to shut up like that. Say "Hi" at least (or even more)
No chainmail ! I honestly don't care i can win 100K by pasting a message. (do i look poor ?)
ENJOY !!! Take a look around and DO enjoy your visit. Thanks for stopping by ;)
Goodbye now ... Break these rules and i'll break yo !!! Stop by anytime (hehe, i luv yew)