"The Pearl Black"
This Cruise Ship comes with a pool that you can put floaties in. It also has 3 top decks and 1 lower cabin deck to add beds and what not. Plenty of sitting and standing places
This ship in tones of black texture is ideal to combine with any furniture.
To Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
REAL CREDITS PROMO GIFT: If you buy this product with only real (bought) credits and not promo credits nor dev tokens, I will be giving out for free my (PX)Invisible Towel With Poses product. Those of you who buy this product with only REAL CREDITS leave me a private message on my page so I can verify the sales report and personally give you the promo gift. This promotion does not applies to sales of this product with PREDITS (PROMO CREDITS) or DEV TOKENS, and is limited to this product only. Thank you!
REGALO PROMOCIONAL CREDITOS REALES: Si compras este producto con solamente creditos reales (comprados) y no creditos promos o dev tokens, estare regalando a modo de promocion mi producto (PX)Toalla Invisible con Poses. Aquellos de ustedes que compren este producto con solamente CREDITOS REALES dejenme un mensaje privado en mi pagina para verificar el reporte de ventas y personalmente entregarte el regalo promocional. Esta promocion no aplica a ventas de este producto con PREDITS (CREDITOS PROMO) o DEV TOKENS, y esta limitada a este producto solamente. Muchisimas gracias!

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