This is the top to the full animated Blue Robot suit for MALE AVI's. The Commands are as follows: "ChestFire", "ChestFire2", "HandSpin", "WindMill". Photobucket PLEASE NOTE: This Torso can only be used by Male avies. It won't fit a Female avie. There is a separate version for Female Avies available in the catalog. It replaced the Upper-body and Both Hands of the avie, so it won't work with any item that replaces any of those, like gloves, most shirts, and certain accessories. Attempting to use said items with this Body will either remove the items, or cause the body to vanish. If you're in doubt about it fitting your avie and your outfit correctly, please use TRY IT before you BUY IT! There will be NO REFUNDS if it doesn't work with your existing outfit or avie. So use TRY IT first!