Shakuhachi, or Japanese bamboo flute. This is an end-blown flute which is held vertically like a recorder, instead of transversely like the Western transverse flute. It is traditionally made of bamboo, but versions now exists in wood and plastic. It was used by the monks of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism in the practice of suizen (blowing meditation).

This is a FULLY ANIMATED traditional Shakuhachi for FEMALES. MALE VERSION FOUND HERE
Type "flute" FIRST initiate finger movements and to set head correctly. In this way, you can even sit in a chair and play, and this action doesn't affect the lower part of the avatar. Then, if you want a particular pose, you have the option to use the following poses:

After typing "flute" you can type:
"stand" - to play in standing position
"sit" - to play in cross- legged seated pose
"kneel"- to play in traditional kneeling pose
"f1 - f7" - for music ( rights for traditional song used purchased)
"fl1 - fl7" - for second song

Please note: either change nodes or remove the flute and put it back on if you wish to switch between playing poses.


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