zz, yea, ywn2, yehoooo, wot, wkeup, pls, omg2, okey, ohno, gtg, ugtit, gar,
ufuni, ws1, dmnit, clp, burp,
no2, ncewk, nxtme, muah, tldu, moohaha, mom, lol2, lol3, ahhz, sigh2, gulp,
fart, ehem, cough, comon, blax3
lol4, lol5, lol6, lol7, lalala, qwang, isme, huh2, hmmm, uhm, icome, helo2,
helo1, haha, evl2. bye2,
BONUS: bbylol, alrite, blax2, ahh1, ahh2

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