An island in the sky and a secluded area below, both with pools of gently flowing water with views of the cosmic sea beyond. What can be more romantic than a setting among the stars? The top level has a tower of stars that you can add furniture to and it's surrounded by water with a falls that flow down to the second level. The bottom level has a pool and grass that you can also add furniture to. Lots of standing and wading spaces. Thank you to DarkAngel for the tree foliage!
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FURNITURE NOT INCLUDED but I like to show rooms decorated so you'll know what fits where!
I did a bedroom upstairs and a cozy lounge area below, various floats in the water
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Down below you can decorate ALL around the lovely lake
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That Starry Gazebo Fountain filled the entire previewer room when I made it! You have LOTS of space!
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Another Celestial gazebo and picnic area
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If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!