Villa della Lupo

(Villa of the Wolf)
In the market for a new house? Looking for a house with plenty of room, shows your love of wolves and has its own swimming pool? Hmmm...I think I have just the place for you! Here...lets take a tour...
Lets go you can see there is an amazing view of the pool, surrounded by italianate moldings! A must for any true villa!
As you can see the floors are beautifully tiled, the walls classic red brick, and the ceiling well textured red wood! The windows are stunning triple windows with views of the forest outside, and amazing wolf stained glass in the center! A rare thing to find in any house, seeing both the splendor of the outdoors and the artistic beauty of fine stained glass!
Tthere is plenty of space, including a spiral stair which you can sit on that leads to a second floor! Finally you have room for all your belongings! Also with the open second story you can easily take pictures of both floors to show off even more of your furnishings if you wish!
I hope you have enjoyed your tour of Villa della Lupo! If you wish to purchase this grand wolf villa please see our relator! She chose a bit of an ironic name for herself...Buy Now..odd but fitting. ;)

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