For a contest that is themed as *Room of Rings* Ttitled: "Chain Linked" This is a reflective room made of linked chains, the chain linked walls are animated and falling from the Chain Link Ceiling. In these shots of the room you can see through all of the chain linked walls and ceiling, to the outside, and can see to the inside from the outside. You can see through the chains, from one room to the next, and to all other rooms. However, there is one room at the back that is divided by layers of chains and is not visible from the center of the room, yet from the back room there is also a hall around to the front and other rooms are visible from the back.. Back room also has windows.

These images do not do the product justice, Please view in peer review for the full detail and appreciation. Thank You.. Enjoy!

Chain Linked Revised

Macabre - The Matron of Monochrome

Products by: LizzieBorden
