This is an accessory item NOT a furniture item. TooSexy Midas car. View the video to help locate the car in your inventory. The car is located in the "Bling" and "Actions" category of your inventory. Please Contact Me if you are still having trouble finding it // Compatible with male and female avatars // Two tone Pink to Blue car. Animated Silouette bonnet + boot cover // Animated glass and tail light covers to imitate driving at night // Animated tail lights with a circling strobe effect // Gold and red trim // 2-LCDs screens// Gold tinted Foose alloys wrapped in yellow BF Goodrich scorcher tires // Yellow shocks // Triggers have authentic car racing sounds attached // Triggers are "Camaro" (to show car), "Drift" (to drive car) and "Stunt" (to pose on two wheels). Advertisement picture below does not show real-time view of animations. View video for real-time view of animations, help locating the car in your inventory and trigger instructions. Enjoy :) Hair is by Loqutis.

Collect all rides here including MED0USA's Pink and Dark Satina

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