This is the Zen Sakura Leather Chaise. It is made to go with my Zen Sakura Collection of rooms and furniture. It is made of pink leather and features 4 poses - a cuddling pose for couples, lounging pose, and pose at foot of the chaise. I hope you like it!

DEVELOPER NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with this chaise, please refer to the mesh creator's (stuzzy) product page to see how it works BEFORE purchasing this. The page is located HERE!!!! This is a recolor ONLY!! I did not make the poses nor can I alter them. If you have a problem with either, please contact the mesh creator, stuzzy.

For matching rooms and furniture, please try these links:
Starting Link 1
Starting Link 2
The products at these links may change as things are added to my catalog but they are a good starting point. You may want to make sure to check a couple of pages before and after these links.

Live screenshots (There are 4 poses total. This is just a sample of 2.):

The home featured for these product shots is the Zen Sakura HomeRemix and is located HERE!!!!

Please click the pictures below to see the other matching Zen Rooms.

Zen Sakura
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To view all my products, please click my banner below to be directed to my catalog.
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