Boys have all the fun! It's true! Ever notice that most armour designed for the ladies suspiciously resembles something from a ad? And the rest of it? Ugh! ...very unflattering... So I made this! I would wager the person who made this mesh never intended on it being used as such, but at Danger Girl Designs we believe in living (and loving) dangerously.
Beyond the usual sumptuous details all my other wares possess, this suit of armour features scale maille! Pretty neat, huh? Why scale maille? I'll tell you. Because not only is it flexible, lightweight, and shows off a lady's natural curves like chain maille does, BUT it has one important difference over traditional chain maille: It's arrow proof! It even deflects crossbolts with bodkin points! That is an advantageous feature for the roleplayer. It is also reminiscent of dragon scales. Kinda scary, no? Scary is hot. Way hot.

Peep the pix!

This is a whole outfit, sans gloves. But you want gloves. I recommend my Gants pour l'Escrime which I made to match this outfit.
Now you can be like Jean d'Arc, one of the most freaking awesome ladies to ever pick up a sword! But don't get burned! Try it before you buy it!