The Mechanical Wings for Men
(This version will only properly fit Male Avies!)

Is your Steam Punk outfit a little too land-bound? Looking for something to make your Robot "Take Wing"? Well then look no further then the classy and always stylish, Mechanical Wings. Like something out of a Greek Myth, these majestic wings attach to your Avie's back, providing them with graceful, mechanical appendages fit even for the most decerning of Angels! Pair these up with the Power Max to fly and glide around the chat rooms like some celestial being. If Icarus had a pair of these, I think that myth would have had a much better ending... (Wax and Feathers are so passe!)

Commands are:
"Spread": unfolds the Wings upwards dramatically
"Flap": beats the Wings rapidly, best used with a Flying animation
"SlowFlap": beats the Wings slowly, good for Hovering animations
"Protect": shelters the player under the Wings
"WingWave": waves with the player's Right Wing
"BrokenWings": temporally unplugs the power to the Wings, causing them to fall into a shamble

PLEASE NOTE: Although this item can be used by both Men and Women, it's designed to fit the slops of the Default Male Avie's back. It won't properly attach to the back of Female avies, nor Male avie's using larger or smaller chests. If you do have a custom body for your Male avie, please check it for fit before you buy it. It's also an accessory that attaches to your avie's "Spine1" bone. There's a limit to the number of things you can attach to any one point in the avie's body, so make sure you have the attachment points left to use it. There will be no refunds if you buy this and it doesn't fit your avie, or work with your outfit. As with anything on IMVU, it's best to use Try-It before you Buy-It to make sure!

Wish those wings were all Silver? Or how about some awesome wind sound effects? Well then, get Deriving buddy! Make your own version, and even sell it the catalog for a small markup over my original, and keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below is the template you'll need to get started (Right Click and Save As to your computer):

This is the Texture map for Body Parts. This covers almost all of the parts that arn't Feather sections. Use this to make small changes the appearance of the Wings, like altering color or adding small details:

This is the Wireframe layout for the Body Parts. This is helpful if you need to know exactly how the texture map attachs to the model, such as if you wanted to build a completely new texture map from scratch:

This is a "Gray" template for the Body Parts. This version has all of the smaller details. Use this if you want to do an orginal texture map, yet still retain all of the careful shading I made which helps define the Wing's form:

This is another "Gray" template without all of the sub-details, like screws and plates. This is helpful if you wish to make your own smaller details, or make a very smooth looking pair of Wings:

This is the texture map used for the Feathers and several other smaller Parts. If you wish to change the shape of the Feather segments, you'll need to make a matching Opacity layer, using the Opacity Layer and the Wireframe images below for reference:

This is the Opacity layer for the Feathers. Anything that is White is solid, and anything that is Black is invisible. Basically, this is a White Silhouette of each of the "Feather" segments in the Wings. If you wish to redefine the shape of the Feather pieces, you'll need alter both the Texture map and this Opacity layer to do it. Just paint your Feathers in the space defined by the Wireframe below, then make a White Silhouette of each of them to create a new Opacity layer:

This is the Wireframe layout for the Feathers and several small Parts. The Boxes you see are each of the segments that make up the Feathers. They are out in order, from wingtip to the closest to the avie's chest. If you plan on changing the shape of the Feather segments, make sure to keep each "Feather" inside it's "Box":

This is the Gray template for the Feathers, with Sub-Details the smaller parts:

This is the Gray template without the Sub-Details:

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: