Goodness! Tattoos are really becoming a hip and trendy form of feminine expression. And why not? They're freaking awesome! If you are looking at this, you no doubt have one for real. What better way to express your individuality than to get a tattoo for your IMVU avatar? And this is a great one! Unlike some meshes I have tested, this hugs the skin perfectly, and there is no floating. Peep the pix!

I thought it would be neat to have this tattoo inspired by a famous movie star. You know who she is. All the guys love her beauty and all the gals admire her for her chic persona and awesome fashion sense. It features a gorgeous Khmer script spelling out a Buddhist blessing. Below is the translation:
May your enemies run away from you.
If you acquire riches, may they remain yours always.
Your beauty will be that of Apsara.
(this is a being in Brahmanism similar to the nymph in Greek mythology)
Whenever you may go, many will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides.

This tattoo may not work with some of the curvier avatars/outfits. It may also show through some light colored clothing. To avoid disappointment with this or any other IMVU product, I urge you to try it before you buy it. Have a custom tattoo design or request? Contact me! We can work something out for sure.
"See the world in a grain of sand, heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, eternity in an hour."