Olympian Goddess Artemis in the Greek Mythology ... Diana in the Roman Mythology is The Goddess of Hunting and the Protector of Wild Animals... She have a twin brother, the handsome young God Apollo

If you Want Amazing Statues For Decorating Your Rooms This is your Best Option... Your Room Will Look Awesome With The Greek/Roman Gods Of Olympus

Alpha Plane product are 2D (flat) surfaces that contain a rendering of a 3D product which looks believably three dimensional from both the front and the back sides of the plane. The great news is that you can place a lot of these products in your IMVU environment because they use VERY little resources and won't bog your system down or cause it to crash

Large planes are best used in the distance to enhance background. Smaller planes are good for closer items that are too complex (too many polygons) to model in this environment. As with any other furniture product, Alpha Plane products are scalable

Note that alpha plane characters are static. You can move the figure around your scene but you cannot move individual arms, legs, etc. such as you can with an avatar

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Collect All The First Series of the Olympian Gods And Wait For New Series of Olympian Gods...Search in my Products For The Mount Olympus and very Soon The Hades Realm
