Before I being my usual rant, I should note that this is a unisex weapon. The likelihood of me submitting it twice is slim. Having said that I suggest you buy one for your boyfriend.

It's freaking awesome.

This is a rather large sword that is Germainic in origin. A group of mercenaries in the 16th century called Landsknechts (some of the most psychotic human beings to ever grace Europe) carried similar weapons. They were custom made to be roughly as tall as the owner and weighed 6-12 lbs. The blade often had a covered ricasso and featured a pair of parrying hooks or "flukes" that acted as a second crossguard so you could choke up on the grip and wield it like a halberd when in close quarters.

The name "flamberge" is due to it's wavy "flame" blade. The French word for this is "flammard." Germanic people would have called this a "zweihander" or a "bihander" which are roughly synonymous with the term "three hander" or "two hander." In English we call this a "great sword" and it is similar to the Scottish "claidheamh mor" (pronounced claymore). It was alternately called "montante" and "lo spadone" by the Italians. I call it "the IRL buster sword." All and all this is a fearsome and imposing weapon.

Product shown with Sword Poses 1 by Edwa Trap, not included. The history lesson, however, is free.
This is a very interesting article on them by Military History Now.

Remember boys and girls. Mister T pities fools who don't try it before they buy it. Refunds only exist in fairytales. It's a big sword, don't put your eye out!