this gorgeous hair is modeled after this character in one of my stories that i'm writing! her name's mii-chan and soooo.... thats how the hair got it's name!
so.... the hair's black.... and the tail and bangs have hot pink, sky blue, and lime green highlights! the hair tie thing is jet black and it has some streaks of sky blue on it..... and... ya! that's just about it!
**hugs and kisses**
PS please leave a review!
PPS this hair is officially part of my "story tribute series"! that means it was modeled after someone from a story i'm writing! i will be making more items, and a bundle when i get around to it... so keep your eyes peeled for more items!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Skin by: Sugar
Eyes by: yokko
Eyebrows by: lisnevash
Top by: ShiningKanin (me!)