NOTE:((This is just the sleeves, as you can tell by the pic, you can have the Hakama without sleeves)). This piece is to go with my Steampunk Hakama. This has to be one of the best guys steampunk outfit I have done. I kinda got the idea from Shinobi who did !SWH! Ginzou's Hakama, and even tho his is like superb, I wanted to give it a try and WTH, even samurai warriors can be steampunk and Shinobi products are out of this world and I highly recommend you check them out. The breast plate is hard rib caged leather with cogs with a hakama skirt. This outfit took many many hours so I hope you enjoy it. The best part is that it comes in two pieces, the Hakama and shirt Vambraces , another idea off Shinobi. Enjoy and please leave a review, thank you.
NOTE: pic shows with and without the vambraces.

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