Light and dark shades of gray piercing set for head4. The product I derived from said it wouldn't look right with any head except head4 but when I first opened the previewer, the model has the default head and in all honesty, it looked fine to me. But, i'd still say try it on before you buy it, just to be sure.

So, just in case, this will [probably] only look right with head4 or other head4 variants(Natalie head, head4 reprops..etc..)

Piercings included:
Horizontal Bridge piercing(between the eyes)
Monroe/Madonna piercing(avatar's left)
Eyebrow Piercing(avatar's right)
Septum("bull-ring" piercing, bridge of the nose)

STRETCH TAPERS(on the ears) NOT INCLUDED(if you can even see them in the picture..)

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