This is a huge couch dance entertainment type center made to match my mall. Feel free to purchase if u can use it though. Picture coming soon.
~ PLEASE TRY WEARABLE ITEMS BEFORE YOU BUY! I create all my products under the MCG mode to make sure they are rated properly. If there is a problem with one of my products please do me the courtesy of contacting me and letting me know so I have the opportunity to fix it before flagging it. ~ ~ If you like my items please leave a review it helps me to make better products and I can send random gifts that way ~ ~ If you would like to promote my products, please use the banner I have provided ~ I model all of my products, so if there is anything I'm wearing that you like: It can be found in my catalog.I am not here to please anyone but my buyers, but I am so gratefull to those who have put their time into me and helping me to become a better deriver their company and time meant so much to me. Thank you for being there for me!

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