Hanakanzashi MESH

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Hanakanzashi are one of the characteristics of maiko and are the hair ornaments (often made from silk) that are meant to look like flowers. Using a technique called"tsumami, each square is multiply folded with the aid of pincers and cut into a single petal. These are attached to backings of metal to create whole flowers, or attached to silken threads to create strings of blossom. Butterflies and birds are also common in this art form. Additional detailing of stamens is created by the use of mizuhiki, which is a strong thin twine made from washi paper, and is often coloured and used for decorative works.

The flowers or other elements that are part of these hanakanzashi, will be made conform the montly themes. For example, in April the hanakanzahsi will be most often look like sakura blossoms, while in November momiji will be displayed.

Also, the tama kanzashi that is put on the left in the bun, will change its colours according to the seasons: red coral for the cooler months (October to May) and green jade for the warm months (June till September).

Image files
Hanakanzashi Diffuse Color Opacity
Ougi bira kanzashi Diffuse Color Opacity
Tama kanzashi Diffuse Color

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