KLF Bamboo Fountain 1

The last model looks great in an interior room scene so I remodeled it slightly so it could be used outside as well.

You will find that some of my meshes have been submitted complete with textures and some with texture maps. Where models have been submitted with full texture work, I personally don't have a problem with you reusing the textures on your derived versions. Content Creators and Resellers wishing to use my models can be assured that I will not be submitting multiple versions of the same model at the original mesh price which will under cut the market as I will revue the derived versions pricing and set my derived versions at a reasonable margin comparable to the pricing you set. Content Creators and Resellers can also be assured that all textures and images are the work of KLF Productions which are genuine and royalty free, although I would like to see you use your own textures where ever possible for artistic reasons but it is not essential. If you need assistance with texturing this model, why not drop me a message and I'll see what I can do for you. KLF productions also follow the current Developer Code of ethics which can be found here - The DC Code of Ethics - I also warrant that at the time of submission, I have classified this model under the current ratings guidelines and it is out of my control if changes are made to the ratings following my submission.

For your convenience, I've included a link to the derived versions of this model.