BUYER BEWARE!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT - ITS FOR DERIVATION ONLY! DO NOT BUY!! ........... NOTE: THIS IS A DERIVABLE SCENE ENHANCER - NOT A ROOM! .......... This is a large scene enhancer of a beach scene. You have your choice of night or day derive. I have placed my night sky on the outside sky and you are welcome to reuse it. There are several different trees here, as well as background and tree groves. I love plants - what can I say? LOL! Ok so there are 16 different textures required for this scene enhancer. Please keep your textures small to make the final product more efficient for the client to handle. Also too, I've added 100 furniture nodes here and they range from #'s 600 - 700. So the nodes in this scene enhancer should work with items that have #'d nodes less than 600. There are also 10 standing spots in here as well. If you have any troubles please let me know. Thanks for your interest in my products. DEVELOPERS: Please do not leave your version derivable. Thanks!