BUYER BEWARE!! DO NOT BUY THIS ROOM - ITS FOR DERIVATION ONLY!! DO NOT BUY!............ This is a huge Mediterranean style home. This room comes with just the house and a few plants. There is no background to this room at all because of all the extras that are in the house. This place comes complete with a full kitchen, master suite bathroom, main bathroom, and a guest bathroom, animated fire in the fireplace, plus each of the bathrooms have animated water for the showers. All of the rooms comes with their own individual curtains/drapes so you can customize them or have someone do it for you. All of the elements needed to create that perfect home is here..............All you need are about 120 small textures and lots of time and patience. You may want to choose your favorite scene enhancer to fill in the rest of the picture. Thank you for your interest in my products!!............DEVELOPERS: Please do not leave your version derivable.