A lovely Hi-heeled sandal of sparkles & movement, in various shades of orange. Yeah that's right! It is about time for Orange to be respected, it has been kicked around long enuff. How many people say their favorite color is....orange? You? oh well that is a grand total of one. For too long orange has taken a back stage to colors like blue (sky), purple (passion), and so forth, You may say well...there is always green :/ but green is MONEY! and so is automatically popular. No, orange is a sad case, its cousin the "orange" has stolen all the glory by tasting so good. Well today is orange (the color), day of retribution! (No, they still haven't found a word that rhymes with it [though I heard that deep in the Amazon rain forrest they have a click of the tongue that means...oh sorry , I digress]) anyway the color orange day of reckoning is at hand, with the lovely shades of orange in this gorgeous sandal. The World over, colors have paled for just one instant with dismay... {I wouldn't at all, be surprised if they made sporange a word, in orange's honor, maybe meaning, better than all the other hues} TRY BFORE YOU BUY, AS ALWAYS :)