Now you can advertise your products DIRECTLY in a room! Differently to the parent product, this is the 3D version of a frame that will link to your homepage and catalog.
Its very easy to make your very own flash 3D Frame in less than 10minutes!
How to use:
Create a new text file in notepad called "creator.txt"and write your avatar name only (Note .txt is the extension you USUALLY do not need to write it when you are saving a file as they are saved as txt by default)

While Deriving in the previewer look for the folder icon and open it. Copy and paste this creator.txt in it. Close it and that is all. If it asks to overwrite, do so.
 photo picshur_zps0b6de741.jpg

That's it! :D all you need to do now is the normal deriving things like replacing the textures on the 3d frame (its reversible) and once someone stands on your billboard they will see your name and be taken to your HP/Products page! Quick, Simple easy and effective way!
Keep in mind this is a derivable product that links to my catalog and you will need to add your own name for it to advertise your products.
We all know how lazy people are to go around and find your products, this way all they need to do is click a button and they will be directly in your HP or products page!
This is different to the parent product by being a 3d mesh instead of a planar billboard. If you need more details, please visit the parent product by RossenX
If you are using notepad there is no need to put the whole "creator.txt" in there, notepad saves as a txt file on it's own, when saving just type in "creator"

Derivation Map