try before buying....(NOTE!!!!!! (ITEM IS ACORDING THE IMVU TOS!!!!, note that fals voting can have efeckts for you so plz read the IMVU TOS before any downvote!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 3d_doesnt_work (There is no 3d)!! blood_and_gore (THERE IS NO BLOOD AND GORE IN IT), harm_to_minors (EVEN MORE DUMB NO MINORS ARE HARMED BY THIS PRODUCKT), suicide(NOT EVEN GONA AWNSER THAT), mature_humor, animated_blood(THERE IS NOTHING ANIMATED IN IT OR EVEN BLOOD!!!) READ THE IMVU TOS!!!!since its clear all that downvote didnt read it Photobucket Photobucket And for the ones that dosnt like to read alot of words!! Photobucket AS YOU CAN SEE AND READ THIS PRODUCKT IS 100% GA SO DONT BE A !! Photobucket