Ulimate ScreenShot Room

If you are a developer New or Pro this is the Prime room for taking shots of your items! It has platforms for your poses or small furniture, Platform for your large stuff,wall items and ceiling fixtures! Change your lighting directions so that your products really pop! Use the Try it button to see what i mean!

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Hide /Show Triggers podspin : Spins the platforms
podstop : Stops them spinning
podhide : hides the pods
podshow : shows the pods
floorhide : hides the floor

floorshow : shows the floor
Colours Triggers
col1 : green
col2 : white
col3 :black
col4 : grey
col5 : pink
col6 : yellow
col7 : red
col8 : blue

Light Triggers
north : light source at rear
west : light source at left
south : light source at front
east : light source at right