Arabian Dancers

You are purchasing this sexy, cute Arabian Dancer Skirt the female avatar. It comes only with the skirt and the beads. Everything else sold separately. Enjoy!

The blue version maybe found here, the pink here, the gold here, the silver here and the orange here.

The circlet may be found here and the armband here.

Note: Because this was derived from an original Whimsee mesh, it comes with some nice enhancements, listed below.
* Shoulders - significantly more smooth, round and natural in appearance
* Breasts - more round, smooth, and lifted
* Buttocks - significantly smooth, round and slightly lifted
* Armpits - more natural, less clipping
* Torso - more smooth and curvy

Other Improvements:
* Texture stretching significantly reduced
* Dress layer is imperceptibly close to body
* Dress material stretches realistically over bustline

The head may be found here and the skin here. In my catalog, the hair may be found here and the eyes here.