Scottish Tartans World Register Information:
Name of Tartan: Sutherland (Clan)
ITI number: 930 Date: 1842
Category: Clan/Family
Designer / Source: Vestiarium Scoticum
Copyright: None
Historic Information
The earlier date refers to a letter from Gordon Earl of Sutherland instructing Murray of Dulrossie to 'remove the red and white lines from the plaids of the men so as to bring their dress into harmony with that of the other Septs.' This sett is also recorded by Smibert in 1850. Smiberts work lends greater authority to the accuracy of the tartan.

NOTE: Different types of hair will hide the thistles. Hairstyles with height to them will cover the flowers and maybe portions of the veil itself. This is caused by the mesh, and I cannot fix that. This veil works better with "pulled back" hair.

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