Old Shawn is a furniture (not a human pet) avi, a snappy dresser and hellified dancer: scenario- you decided to have a couples dance at YOUR place but your hubby, love, or spouse had to work mandantory OT :O how very excruciatingly embarassing...for you, the one giving the party, is the odd woman out; UNMATED...I think you know where I am going with this... Good old Shawn to the rescue and none of your fickle friends have to worry that you are gonna push up on their men, nor do you later take a chance of facing spousal distrust. Yep Shawn is the perfect date as long as the date is at your house ;) NOTE: An interactive male standing in front click the handle and he will dance with you To reset the animation click the 2nd handle and he will make a "thumbs up-good" sign at you by default he has 5 Idles poses and his head look around, also answer to the triger words: yes (or nod) - hello, hi - kneel - no - good ---Hair and/or Brow text by DamnedIon (the texturer supreme)