MAKE YOUR OWN RAP ACTIONS! (Derivable) - 115kb

instructions: (male or female compatible)

First trigger the dance with the trigger word: RAP

this will trigger an endless loop of a standard rap bounce, now hit any of the triggers 1-9 to toss in a hand action into your rap action.
All triggers 1-9 are not looped and will trigger insync with the bounce and smoothly add the requested action then return to the continued rap bounce beat.

Perfect for YouTube/IMVU Music Video Makers! (Mic Sold Seperately-But Not required. The Mic does however, add additional effects for movie-making)

ATTENTION DEVELOPERS! (those who derive this product)
if you wish to make any of the hand gestures loop longer or shorter then they currently do, then when you derive this product, then select the 'ACTIONS TAB' in the editor, select the Triggered animation tab you wish to change, then under the 'SKELETAL ANIMATION' section... change the loop count in the sub-menu 'SKELETAL FRAME CONTROLS' Be sure to test it first. you may want to adjust the Blend in / blend out controls for smoother transitions. Note: using the number '0' zero will loop it indefinately so that you need to trigger another animation to come off of this.
Also... set yours to derivable if you wish!


More Rap Actions to choose from!