Male and female compatible, but will appear in male inventory.

Okay, so I know these wings are a little on the expensive side, but I assure you that's not my fault. But believe me when I say these wings are totally worth it!!

These wings have super-shiny gold scales and the leather part of the wings is a dark brownish with bolts of lightning. The wings are very animated and bend in and out much like a real dragon's wing would, AND they are much larger than my other dragon wings. Not only that, but they come with the three trigger animations embrace (your wings fold around you - maybe even with someone else too!), wgatk (your wings beat madly), and wgfiddle (your wings move playfully in front of you).

Like my stuff? Paste the code for my banner on your page! Just remove the stars (**)!

<**a href="" target=_blank**><**img src="****" border=0**><**/a>