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Childe of Atargatis 10

Childe of Atargatis #10, BM. The caudal fin animates by typing the trigger word “tail.”

ATTENTION: the mermaid dress uses opacity maps to blend the fish scales with the human skin, which means that if viewed through other elements with transparecy (like “glass” windows, “lights,” and the like) the dress will “vanish” from sight. Just so you know. Finally, this item is merely a dress; if you want mermaid actions, I recommend that you also get one of the cool Mermaid avatars from TheAvatarFactory.

Atargatis is a goddess of Assyrian origin whose worship spread to Greece (who called her Derketo). Doves and fish are sacred to her: doves as an emblem of the love-goddess (like Aphrodite), and fish as symbolic of the fertility and life of the waters. She is so closely identified with the fish that sometimes she was represented in the form of a mermaid—her upper half that of a human female, her lower a fish-tail—though she could also be represented in simple woman-form. She had a temple in Ephesus, where the priestesses were so numerous they supposedly gave rise to the Amazon legends. One Greek story says that Derketo was a nymph who loved a shepherd-boy; when she became pregnant by him she either killed him or threw herself in a pool in shame, where she was changed to a fish. Another story says that Derketo was hatched from an egg that fell from heaven; it landed in the Euphrates river, where some fish nudged it to shore. There it was found by a dove, who incubated it. Later, to show her gratitude, Derketo persuaded Zeus to put an image of the fish in the stars, which he did, creating the constellation Pisces.

Here's the list of all the Childer of Atargatis. There are AP versions of each of them in my catalog under the title of "Not-so-little Mermaid."

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