Here is an abandoned runway-turned-drag strip. This furniture item features two animated nodes for your drag racers. There is a chance that either lane will win, but not every viewer will witness the same ending. Type Go! to make the drag race start.
**This is a furniture item with furniture nodes, and may NOT always work as intended!! Any furniture item created AFTER this item (any item with a higher PID) will NOT remain on this item's furniture nodes when the room is exited. Do NOT add multiple copies of this item to a room. Only ONE the FIRST copy will work!! Do NOT leave negative reviews because you can't follow these SIMPLE directions!!**
If you derive from this item, do NOT set yours to derivable. Use your OWN textures! Do NOT use my textures! A Texture Map for material M02 is provided.
I hope you like it!!


M02 Texture Map (Hay Bales and Banner Poles):

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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