Here's an interesting blue top based on one my cousin lent me once to go clubbing. It's very sexy without losing an ounce of class or style. It's not like other styles of tops you get tired of seeing on everyone, so I'm sure you'll love it. Go ahead and try it on, it'll look great on you! If you want a recolor, just leave me a private message and I should have it up for you by the next day.
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Other products, from left to right are by: Skirt and shoes (same shoes for all of them) by Mytie, earrings by Elven. Hair on second avatar by Afina, skirt by Avandia, bracelet by suddenlysuden, and skin by Lolaness. Hair on last avatar by V4NY, skin by Mayu22.
And check out my other products by clicking on the banner--or request your own at my homepage!

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