Welcome to the Hoodwinked Asian Blossoms Manor. If you love Cherry Blossoms you'll die for this home! This luxurious 3 story home is visually stunning. The Manor sits on a grass pod completely surrounded by water which is reflecting the sky with pink overtones. You have a bamboo bridge and walkway to your own private park filled with weeping cherry trees, 4 bbq and picnic areas and even a stunning heart shaped jaded marble pool that showers you with cherry blossoms! The sky is a bright blue and as the clouds drift by you'll wonder how you ever managed without this home! The home has gorgeous cherry blossom wallpaper, painted cream walls, and tatami mats on all levels. There is also a stunning ceiling and a beautiful garden view of through the traditional carved bamboo window. It's like living in the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC! What could possibly be better except for actually being there? The lobby area of the home also has an overlook from the elegant mezzanine. NOTE: This house is very large and may take some time to download. Allow about 4 minutes for an empty home and longer once you furnish it. When adding people, add one at a time or you may crash. Also when moving from place to place, don't try to move far at one time or you will have trouble. Move from one spot to a spot close by and then to another. For example, when moving from the picnic area to the house, take 4 moves - from the picnic to a lawn spot, to the sidewalk or lawn and THEN into the house. The Cherry Blossom furniture line goes beautifully with this home and other furniture will be available at a later date; or use your own! Also, watch for lots of items for your private garden!

Products by: Seena77

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