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At long last, for all your Trekkers out there, the first of a new series of voice boxes from the Langsdorfian Imperial Design Bureau aimed at the pleasures and special tastes of the discreet sci-fi fan. I prouldy present to you the Star Trek TOS Voice Box!

The voices of our favorite characters adapted to IMVU use. Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, and Checkov are all here in this voice box. So take the Conn, and set a course for the second star to the right, and go straight on till morning with the Star Trek TOS Voice Box!

TRIGGER WORDS: beam -- bye -- computer -- deadjim -- delighted -- fascinating -- fight -- goodtime -- holdup -- hoorah -- human -- ihateyou -- illogical -- imcool -- imvu -- insane -- invite -- logic -- ohjoy -- ohno -- ok -- screwup -- shocking -- shutup -- strange -- stupid -- suspense -- swear -- trouble -- upyours -- what -- whatisthis -- whattawedo -- wow

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting