Before You Buy This Product
Check out my new ones which have a New and Improved Beaming Action.

It allows you to Beam Up like this one does but you can also Beam Down!

Click to see Beaming Action   Click to see Beaming Action
Beam Action
TOS Style
Beam Action
TNG Style

Click on the icons above to see the New and Imroved Beam Up and Beam Down
actions which I highly recommend instead of this one that can Beam Down ONLY.

The only reason this product is still in the catalog is to direct you to the new and improved one. I did not hide it from the catalog because sometimes people see a product someone else is using and wants to buy it. If it was hidden you would think that is is no longer available. This way you now know that there is a new and improved version available which I recommend instead of this one that can Beam Up ONLY.

But if you desire... the old one is still available. See the catalog listing below.

Beam Me Up - TOS style Animated Transporter Beam-Up Action

Exit a scene as the crew on Star Trek does, beam up!

This is an action that works with any avatar. Use the trigger words: beammeup or energize and your avatar will stand (if not already standing) and become animated pixels then vanish while you hear the classic transporter beam sound. The transporter effect is about seven seconds long.

Works with both Male and Female Avatars, however the pixelized figure in the transporter beam has the shape of the default male avatar.

This animated image gives you the general idea but is not nearly as cool as seeing the real action. Use the Try-it button to see for yourself.

You may also like to beam up in the Next Generation Series style.  Beam up AND beam back down.  Click on the icon below to check it out.

Click to see Beam Up - TNG

Note: Once you 'beam yourself up' you are still in the room but your avatar is not. If you want to be seen again you have to click a different type of pose spot or remove the action or exit the room and come back.

Please try before you buy, no refunds. If you have a problem or suggestion, please message me so I can help.

Beam me up, Scottie!