AliKorns Pirate Ring vol1
Generic ring with 45 trigerable sayings and one pirate song. Most clips of pirates.
See the Triger list below. Trigers are provided you figure out what they say!
Have fun with it. Keep a lookout for other of our chat rings, More volumes soon!

bitstrange, adraft , agree, bwork , blowingholes, crosblades , hellcircle, flatered , dishonest, distance , drinkup, faithskills , curseu, loosefran , hehe, urheading , heading, ellochum , lovesong, howurfeeling , isdream, welcome ,lifeiscrule, mysenses , neverthought, nocomment , nodress, livinwther ,notgood, notgood2 , ohbugger , ohdear, urwelcome ,moment, pleasure , walkplank, rumgone , takingover, monsters ,treasure, intresting , whatcircumstance, birdsay , wheremonkey, sing = the song