~(IZ) Ice Skating Park~

*This is my (IZ) Ice Skating Park!*

DETAILS: *Ice Skating Park. This is my (IZ) Ice Skating Park. Frozen skating park with trees, bench, lights; has 2 skating poses, both poses are fully animated. Both poses are visible by the ornament Christmas Tree balls, click on these nodes and you are ice skating. Poses; first pose animated with full turns, moving around the ice pond, second pose is trying to ice skate slipping and sliding, skating as if learning, other pose interacts and stops to wait while avatar tries to get up. Very cute ice skating park with a matching bench for two to sit, matching lamps, and a cute pond that has been turned to ice and the snow now is snow decorated with colorful Christmas colored snowflakes. A unique and fun item to have and to use for winter and the Holidays or have all year round. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!*

This is only the Ice Skating Park and only the Ice Skating Park, just the Ice Skating Park and nothing but the Ice Skating Park.

This my: (IZ) Ice Skating Park. Reviews are randomly gifted and appreciated.

Gracias for viewing and Gracias y Besitos for buying! Inescia.

My Holiday display picture this one that I use only for the Holidays:

My Holiday banner this one that I use only for the Holidays:

Hola! I have eleven public rooms open for viewing always; see my many lines and many collections by clicking on the picture below and choosing the room you wish to view. I have set these rooms up so you can see some of my collections and lines that are available for sale in my catalog. Please feel free to enter and view.

Thank you so very much. Inescia.

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Code for the banner and display picture that I am using now:

~Catalog~ ~Home Page~
~Auto Bling~

Code for my banner: