The Hypercube

What the Heck is that?? Unless you're a big fan of science, you might not be familiar with it, but that is the mathematically construct known as a Hypercube. Nerdy stuff aside, all you really need to know is that it looks cool and Sci-Fiy. Drop one (or 12) of these into your room, type in the activation command, and watch all of your friend's minds get BLOWN! Ain't Science COOL?!

The Commands are:
"CubeSpin" to send the cube into a crazy rotation
"CubePulse" to make the Cube beat like a heart

Like all Furniture items, use the Furniture Controls to copy, move, and rotate the Hypercube around your room. You can copy them as many times you as like from this single purchase. You can also resize them, if you want tiny or massive objects.

Not fond of the Lava look? Wish it had some cool sound effects to go along with the visuals? Well then, buddy, start Deriving! Make your own version, and even sell it the catalog for a small markup over my original, and keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below is the template you'll need to get started (Right Click and Save As to your computer):

There's not much to know with this object. Unlike my other objects, this one is so simple you don't need much to get started. First off, the cube is basically two objects in one, and each as an Opacity map. Use the Outer skin, along with an Opacity map, to make the cube appear to flow, sparkle, or one of a hundred different things. Use the Inner skin to give the HyperCube shape. Most of the time the Inner skin should have a solid white opacity, otherwise the cube will appear to be broken and full of holes (which can be cool, if you want that).

This is the Wireframe template, showing you how the skin attaches to the polygon structure. Because all surfaces are basically crammed into one location, this might not be completely useful:

If you want the Hypercube to animate the moment it's placed in a room, change the name of your animation command to: "stance.Standing". This will make the Cube begin to animate the second it's put into a room.

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: