PSCL Pixie's Demonic Soul Men's T'shirt: Another in the PSCL line of t'shirts for men and ladies .. this is the first of a two part set coming out TONIGHT. You ever had ONE OF THOSE DAYS that your spirit just wouldn't be good ... kind of like yer hair .. just washed and can't do a thing with it? Here's a shirt for that day.

Men's says on the back: "One moment please .. while I cage .. THE BEAST"
Ladies says on the back: "Trust me ... it's not PMS"

Great shirt for anybody who's just had one of them days ... for the goths .. for the bikers .. or for your buddy who just might be just crazy enough to like a shirt like this. Makes an awesome gift for a friend.

Picture of front and back of shirt can be found on my home page (link at the bottom of this page) in my pictures .... Album list: Promotional album.