Thank you for visiting my catalog today. I hope that your stay here is a welcome one. Right now you are looking at a very special hairstyle for males I like to call Royal Red Leader Hair. This hairstyle has many matching products that will go with it. This can only be worn by male avatars. Please keep in mind to try before you buy. This will be found under male clothing under your inventory manager.

There are also other great items in my catalog, so please take your time and look around here. I will be adding more items, but have put this out for now until I can get more products made for everyone. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

Please take the time to leave a review for me so I can learn what you would like to see made here on IMVU. Thank you in advance and God bless you.

There are also other great items in my catalog, so please take your time and look around here. I will be adding more items, but have put this out for now until I can get more products made for everyone. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

I made some teaching videos for IMVU. If you would like to learn more about how to create products for IMVU, check on my education series on youtube under the user name hawangel1. You can also join my group: The Holy Developers.

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