Strut your starstuff on this celestial catwalk featuring a beautiful galaxy beyond, drapes of royal blue, a catwalk aglow in the colors of the cosmos and bedecked in glowing stars. I removed the spotlights as they detracted from the piece, nothing can compete with the glow of the universe! There are umteen poses spots (I lost count!) and your avi does pose! Stand anywhere and you will go through a series of ANIMATED fashion poses! Included in the poses are some behind the curtains, one each side to wait your turn, another each side peeking out around the curtain, then pose spots all the way down the runway and all around the island on the end!

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Some of the poses - too many to shoot all!
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Waiting area behind the curtain:
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Auto-Blinger available on my homepage!

If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!