AliKorns Female Chat ring vol1
This is just Amazing!
A color changing Ring?
Thats right it changes colors.
Zoom in and watch as the colors slowly change.
This ring is set for the FEMALE left hand ring finger.
The Ring is loaded with sayings to set the MOOD. A smooth Female voice delivers over 25 diffrent sayings, some even trigger actions.
See the Triger list below. Trigers are provided you figure out what they say!
Have fun with it. Keep a lookout for other of our chat rings, More volumes soon!

addme, addu , backupbub, bornstupid , brb, cheerup , imconfused, dinthate , good2cu, havefunny , goon, helloq , amfine, idontknow , frustrated, happy , mad, want2 , joy, leave , likelookin, lookinproblem ,nerv, shutup , dog, urfunny , urproblem, handletruth