Song Dynasty Restaurant
This Song Dynasty town is in Hangzhou. The Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) was a period of prosperity and rapid technological advance in China. Marco Polo is believed to have visited China during this time and was amazed to see huge cities of over a million people, vast amounts of commerce and busy river and canal traffic. There was nothing comparable in Europe. (Some people believe that he didn't actually visit China because of some of the things that he didn't write about that didn't exist in Europe such as paper money and bank notes.) Other Song Dynasty inventions were: gun powder, cannons, multiple stage rockets, restaurants, tea, noodles and movable-type (printing was invented in China in the 7th century AD.) Many of these inventions caused huge changes when they were introduced to Europe. Cannons, for example, allowed the castles of feudal lords to be attacked by kings which lead to the rise of central governments.