SOLDIER 3rd Class Uniform | Cosplay Dress

SOLDIER 3rd Class Uniform

Product Description:

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Cosplay:

Congratulations! You've made it into Shin-Ra's prestigious SOLDIER army. Make sure you get your Mako treatments before embarking on your first mission. You're only a 3rd Class now, but don't worry... you're not gonna stop until you reach the top and become a 1st! SOLDIER 1st and 2nd uniforms available in my catalog!

This is the Dress only! Comes with suspenders, belt, shoulder guards, scarf collar, and stockings.

SOLDIER 3rd Class Uniform - Back

If you prefer pants, I believe DivineMaiden has a female SOLDIER uniform as well. For just the SOLDIER shirt, try MissValentine's Herogirl Top. ^_^

Don't forget to collect all the costume parts!
SOLDIER 3rd Set:
Cosplay Dress Cosplay Scarf Cosplay Gloves Cosplay Boots

Hair, eyes, skin, pose, and other accessories not included.

Please Note:

© 2010 seraphicgate